Mapping Open Spaces


Regenerating Informal Settlements
Through Mapping and Public Space: The Case of BaSECo Compound in Manila

The city of Manila is experiencing unprecedented urbanisation, which
has generated a twin city where the formal and the informal are closely intertwined. Almost 40% of the population in Manila lives in informal settlements. The city has undergone alternate phases of crisis and economic growth, but the urbanisation of its territory has continued uninterrupted. In the near future, the Pasig River Rehabilitation Program will lead to dramatic shifts in the city’s fabric, including the relocation of large sectors occupied by informal communities. Under this programme, BaSECo was selected as a priority area for substantial urban renewal. Although thisgovernment-led project aims to resettle the residents on-site instead of relocating them outside the city, an integrated approach is needed to implement long- and short term planning strategies and to support decision-making at various stages of the revitalisation process. Using the district of BaSECo as a pilot study, this chapter aims to contribute to the knowledge of community upgrading in Manila by developing a comprehensive plan focused on the improvement of public spaces and community facilities. The aim of this approach aims to incrementally reduce the physical and
social segregation of these districts from the broader city and to implement places where social relationships and productive activities can flourish. In particular, this study offers a detailed understanding of three areas of BaSECo compound highlighting the spatial and social characteristics of this dynamic community. This first stage of the analysis is a part of a revitalisation strategy which aims to contribute to the future development of BaSECo by developing a long-term impact via incremental interventions and community empowerment policies. The findings of this research will also be a useful reference for both national and local policymakers working on the revitalization of informal settlements.

Francesco Rossini
Published in:
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Kowloon, Hong Kong


May, 2022




Making Place


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